Non Surgical Treatments

Non Surgical Treatments for Musculoskeletal Injuries

Treatment for your condition can begin immediately and can include:

  • Pain Medication - to treat pain or discomfort including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs) can relieve some
  • Inflammation Medication - may be prescribed to alleviate swelling including antibiotics for infection control
  • R.I.C.E. - To reduce the pain and swelling surrounding the injured area.
  • Rest: Rest the affected area as more damage could result from putting pressure on the injury.
  • Ice: Ice should be applied over a towel to the affected area
  • Compression: Wrapping with an elastic bandage or an elasticated tubular bandage can help to minimize the swelling.
  • Elevation: Elevating the injured area above heart level to help with any swelling and pain
  • Exercise - may be recommended
  • Bracing - may be recommended to brace
  • Taping - may be applied over the affected areas to reduce pain.
  • Orthotics - may be prescribed.
  • Injection Therapies - may be prescribed to reduce inflammation and accelerate the healing of the patellar tendon.
  • Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy - may be prescribed  to accelerate healing.
  • Dry Needling - may be recommended to break up or destroy degenerative structures.
  • Hyperthermia Thermotherapy: may be recommended to heat and/or cool damaged tissues while allowing the surface level tissues to stay cool.
  • Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment - may be recommended help to stimulate regeneration to damaged or torn soft tissue.
  • Aspiration - may be used to remove fluid and reduce swelling or inflammation to relieve pain.


Surgical Treatment for Musculoskeletal Injuries

In cases where either a conservative treatment has not resolved the problem or where a patient best or only treatment option is surgery, your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure.

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